Owners should take prooer care of his/her cat. Cat is a sensitive and tidy animal. It dors it’s grooming on it’s own. But, an owner must know the basic of cat grooming so that he/she can take proper care of the cat. One of the basic of cat grooming is tha nail trimming. Let’s have a look of the basic of Nail trimming of cats. Cats like to have grooming process by their own favourite style.
• Nail trimming : Nail trimming is one of the basic steps of cat grooming. Cutting the cat’s nail is not an easy task. The owner have to be careful while cutting the nails. Beacause, while trimming, the cat can hurt itself even the owner so bad. There are some basic steps for nail trimming.
1. How often to cut the nails?
The very first step is to know how often you should cut your cat’s nails. Now, there are different kinds of pet cats.
* If it’s a kitten, then it needs a nail cut every week. Beacause, kitten’s nails grow rapidly.
* If it’s an indoor cat, then it needs nail trimming in every couple of weeks.
* And if it’s an outdoor cat, then it needs long nails to defend itself. That’s why, they are okay with a couple times of clipping within a whole year.
• Now there are some signs to know the cat’s nail has grown. If the cat’s nails are sharp and curved, then it’s time for a clipping.
2. The elements of a nail trimming :
There are some necessary tools for the trimming process. Those are:
★ Nail trimmer.
★ Cat treats.
★ Styptic powder.
★ A Towel
★ Strong nerves and a lot of patience.
★ Nail trimmer: There are some varieties of nail trimmers. Scissors style, Guillotine style, Piller style and others. Among them, scissors style trimmers are preffered fo first time groomers and guillotine style trimmers stay sharp for a long time. Along side, Pillers style trimmers give a smooth and clean cut. Now, it’s the owner’s choice.
★ Cat treats: Cat reats are really important. Treats are not necessary for health benefits. It works as like ours. It makes the cat calm and obedient. You should provide treats before and midway of trimming.
• How to cut:
When you fond a comfortable position for you and the cat wrap her in a towel,
hold the paw carefully and in a natutal position. Then start the trimming with any of the nails. Don’t fold or bend theirs legs. Now, place your forefinger on the kitty’s paw and your thumb on the top of the toe. Squeeze the paw gently to extend the nail and cur carefully by avoiding the quick. Cut in a 45 degree angle. It gives the cat relaxing movement after trimming.
If you cut the quick, the kitty will have a lot of blood loss and typical pain. But, usually, it’s easy to notice the quick.
Then, give treats after every nail trimming. For beginners, cut slowly and cut short. Be careful with the quick. And, watch the cat’s movement. If the cat is twitching her tail, growling her body or panting, take a break. These signs mean the cat is angry. Beware of the scratch or bites.
The most important elements for trimming is the patience and techniques. It lessens the complexity of the whole process.
It’s better to know the process of cat nail’s trimming. The knowledge will help you to be a great owner. Moreover, it’s mendatory to know the basic of everything of a cat’s grooming. A cat’s health deoends on an owner’s knowledge of grooming.
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